Rating Word Count
Décor RGB Humour E/J (implied) PG-13 181 Almost the first RGB thing I ever wrote. It started when the particular phrase Peter uses randomly popped into my head (before the XKCD comic came out).
The Pill RGB Humour E/J (implied) PG-13 273 Completely random.
Luck RGB/movie Humour E/J (very, very vague) G 513 Written in response to a prompt at the RGBFanfic Yahoo! group.
Slipped RGB More or less serious E/J Uh, high PG-13/low R? 2174 Inspired by my own jitteriness, bad balance, and a favourite movie.
City Boys RGB Humour Ensemble G 908 Written for a friend's birthday--I'm very pleased with it. It needed very little revision after the first draft and was actually reasonably funny without much effort.
Horseshoes & Hand Grenades EGB Angst Egon, Janine G 961 Popped into my head fully-formed the moment I woke one morning in the middle of a particularly bad PMS month. Hooray for hormonal imbalances! Still kind of rough but unlikely to be refined any further.
Immolation Movie Angst Egon, Janine Let's call it PG-13 for language 494 Yup, another PMSfic, with some help from Coldplay. My first actual movieverse fic. Rougher than "Horseshoes & Hand Grenades," but even less likely to get edited further.
Bread RGB Humour Ray G 571 I was cleaning house and monitoring the bread machine and...
Smut RGB Humour Peter, Janine PG 1259 A coworker yelled "Hey, [Coworker]'s reading smut!" one day...
Confetti RGB Humour Slimer PG 167 Office equipment and Class V Full-Roaming Vapours don't mix.
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (And Four Guys in Proton Packs) RGB Humour The guys PG 374 I've been into Greco-Roman mythology since forever, eventually the two would collide.
Roll One, Smoke One, Purl One RGB Humour The whole gang, focus on Janine PG-13 207 We all did things we regret in the '70s.
Otherwise Untitled 30-Second Fic EGB Humour Eduardo & Kylie PG 207 With apologies to the Italians, the Jews, and everyone else in between.
Harry Potter
Apparation AU somewhere between... uh... Book 5 and Book 6? Character study? Angelina, her father G 303 Sometime it's harder to be the parent of an unexpected witch than a Muggleborn among wizards.
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Last updated Tue Oct 19 2010 at 8:38:51pm

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