Even after only watching a few episodes of The Real Ghostbusters on YouTube there were some tropes that became obvious very quickly. These just begged to be made into a drinking game (even though I don't drink, it's still an entertaining idea). Now that the box set is out, we have EVERY SINGLE EPISODE available! Here's my rough list... I'd love to hear suggestions and ideas!
Take a drink every time:
Ecto-I is seriously damaged
and another if she's magically fixed in the next scene
the firehouse is seriously damaged
and another if it's magically fixed in the next scene
A PKE meter explodes due to overload
any other piece of equipment explodes
Make it a double if a piece of equipment is blown up on purpose
The containment unit blows
Someone disbelieves in the monster-of-the-episode
The proton streams don't affect the monster-of-the-episode
Peter hits on the female-character-of-the-episode
(take another if he's shot down hard and fast, heh heh)
someone produces a trap out of his ass thin air
take one for each trap if it's more than one :)
someone asks Egon to "repeat that in English"
take a second if someone understands him anyway
...and a third if it's not Ray
the episode involves the end of the world
a ghost/monster sounds suspiciously like Horrible Gelatinous Blob
or a Scooby Doo character (no, Ray doesn't count)
someone has to go into the containment unit
and another if he has to bring another entity back out with him
something escapes from the containment unit on its own
Slimer eats an important plot point
Peter yells at Slimer and makes him run away from home
one of the guys speaks in the wrong voice
there are two of one character in one scene
someone's jumpsuit is the wrong colour
two characters are trading places between shots
the animation otherwise goes to hell
suddenly the guys are magically in their jumpsuits and proton packs
someone makes a reference to the movie
there's some cheesy '80s song playing in the background
it's the last few minutes of the episode and they start playing "Ghostbusters"
Janine uses a proton pack
Janine makes a pass at Egon
and another if he doesn't run away/panic/etc.
Janine and Egon end up on the floor together
someone other than Janine has a crush on Egon
the plot involves someone's ancestor
or a relative we've never heard of before
we see one of the guys in the shower
or his boxers
make it a double if it's not Peter for once
and double that again if it's Janine
something terrible will happen at exactly midnight
or they have exactly x number of hours to save the world
they have to reverse the polarity of the beams
Peter gets slimed
they break the fourth wall
...or otherwise get all meta
one of the guys makes an inexplicable pop-culture reference
Janine saves the guys' butts
any Ecto other than 1 makes an appearance
a ghost escapes a trap
they go somewhere non-work-related but Egon sneaks some equipment along "just in case"
Ecto-1 is possessed
the voices in any crowd scene are obviously the four primary actors